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Route Server Management

The route server is deployed via podman containers under the root user.

Running podman ps as root should show two containers running, fullctl_routeserver for the bird instance itself and fullctl_birdrefresh for a process that manages the config synchronization.


Both containers are controlled by two systemd units and can be managed like any other service:

systemctl status fullctl-routeserver.service
systemctl status fullctl-birdrefresh.service

Stop bird completely:

systemctl disable --now fullctl-routeserver.service
systemctl disable --now fullctl-birdrefresh.service

Start bird completely:

systemctl enable --now fullctl-routeserver.service
systemctl enable --now fullctl-birdrefresh.service

List sessions:

podman exec -it fullctl_routeserver /srv/bird/sbin/birdc show protocols

Bird logs to the system journal and to flat files that are periodically rotated:

tail -F /srv/fullctl/rs/bird/var/log/bird.log

The current bird config is also available outside the container at /srv/fullctl/rs/bird/etc/bird.conf.

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