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Prerequisites & Requirements

Before moving forward with FullCtl, you should have your IXP setup in PeeringDB. This includes peers, locations, and users suitable for your organization. If you are a new IXP, you can start without this, but for existing IXPs it is much simpler to import your existing information than entering it from scratch! See Sign up for PeeringDB for a quick walkthrough if you do not already have a PeeringDB account.

To run local route servers, as112, and statistics gathering systems, you will need local containers or VMs that can be connected to FullCtl to download containers, configurations, and updates as needed. 20C recommends VMs or baremetal systems for route servers, and VMs, baremetal, or kubernates systems for as112 and statistics. For VMs or baremetal, 20c recommends a RHEL system, version 8 or higher, but not -stream. Pacman and other container utilities should be available, and all systems will need direct or proxy access to the FullCtl systems on the internet. FullCtl containers log internally, so be sure you provide enough space for log growth, 20c recommends at least 10Gb free on the /var/lib/containers/storage partition. Route Servers and as112 servers will need network access to your peering LAN, and statistics gather will need access to the control plan for your physical infrastructure to gather SNMP and other data. Adjust your firewalls appropriately to allow bgp, snmp, and named protocols as appropriate.

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