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Jinja2 Template Variables

This section compiles the variables and descriptions found in each Jinja2 template, organized by their respective file paths.


  • interfaces: List of interface configurations.
  • interface["name"]: The name of the interface.
  • interface["description"]: (Optional) Description for the interface.
  • interface["mtu"]: Interface's Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) setting.
  • interface["enabled"]: Specifies if the interface is administratively up or down.
  • interface["ip4"]: IPv4 address assigned to the interface.
  • interface["ip6"]: IPv6 address assigned to the interface.
  • interface["lag_channel"]: Link Aggregation Group (LAG) channel configuration for the interface (commented out).


  • sot.cli_access: Configuration for CLI access, potentially including details for both Telnet and SSH.
  • sot.cli_access.telnet: Specifies if Telnet access is enabled.
  • sot.cli_access.ssh: Specifies if SSH access is enabled.
  • Description: Configures VTY lines for remote management access, allowing or disallowing Telnet and SSH based on the sot.cli_access settings.


  • acls: A dictionary containing ACL (Access Control List) configurations, each identified by a unique name.
  • acl.afi: Address Family Identifier, indicating whether the ACL is for IPv4 or IPv6.
  • The name of the ACL.
  • acl.rules: List of rules contained within an ACL.
  • acl_increment: An incremental value used to assign sequence numbers to ACL rules.
  • Description: Dynamically generates access control lists (ACLs) for IPv4 and IPv6, applying specific rules and increments to each.


  • Sets the hostname for the device.
  • sot.callhome: Configuration block for potential call home features.
  • Each entry in sot.callhome configures specific call home settings.
  • sot.users: A list of device users.
  • Contains configurations like username, password, passphrase, and sshkey.
  • sot.banner: Configures the message of the day (MOTD) banner.
  • sot.cdp: Enables or disables Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP).
  • sot.dns_servers: Configures DNS servers.
  • Each entry contains an address.
  • sot.ntp: Network Time Protocol (NTP) settings.
  • Configures servers, logging, and peer_acl for NTP.
  • sot.snmp_server: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) server configuration.
  • Configures contact, globalEnforcePriv, and SNMP users.
  • sot.ip_routes, sot.ipv6_routes: Static routing configurations for IPv4 and IPv6.
  • Each route includes a prefix, next_hop, and optionally vrf.
  • sot.object_groups: Defines network object groups.
  • Contains type, name, and objects within each group.
  • include directives: Includes additional Jinja2 templates for interfaces, BGP neighbors, ACLs, prefix-sets, route-maps, and VTY configurations.
  • Description: Serves as the main configuration template, orchestrating the inclusion and configuration of various network settings and features.


  • sot.route_maps: A dictionary containing route map configurations.
  • Each route map is identified by a name.
  • route_map.rules: List of rules within the route map.
  • rule.action: Specifies the action (permit or deny) for the rule.
  • rule.match: The match conditions for the rule.
  • Description: Configures route maps with specific matching conditions and actions based on configurations defined in sot.route_maps.


  • prefix_sets: A dictionary of prefix set configurations.
  • Specifies the address family (v4 for IPv4, v6 for IPv6).
  • The name of the prefix set.
  • each.rules: A list of rules or conditions associated with the prefix set.
  • Description: Manages the creation and deletion of prefix lists for both IPv4 and IPv6, including specified rules for each set.


  • Macros: session_common_in4, session_common_out4, session_common_in6, session_common_out6, session_policies, session_description.
  • These macros define common configurations applied to BGP sessions, both for inbound and outbound traffic, specifically developed for handling IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.
  • device.asn: The ASN (Autonomous System Number) of the device.
  • device.router_id: The router ID used for BGP.
  • bgp_sessions: A list of BGP session configurations.
  • session.port_is_ix, session.peer_session_type, session.peer_asn, session.policy4_peer_group, session.policy6_peer_group, session.peer_ip4, session.peer_ip6, session.policy4_import, session.policy4_export, session.policy6_import, session.policy6_export: Variables that hold configurations specific to each BGP session.
  • session.peer_maxprefix4, session.peer_maxprefix6: The maximum number of prefixes that can be received from a peer for IPv4 and IPv6.
  • Description: Configures BGP neighbors and their sessions, leveraging macros to apply common settings. Specifies route policies for handling traffic, along with details on the BGP setup for the device.


  • interfaces: List of interface configurations specific to IOS XR devices.
  • Each interface configuration allows for detailed settings such as name, description, MTU, IP addresses, and specialized functions.
  • interface["name"]: The name of the interface.
  • interface["external_fields"]["connection_type"], interface["external_fields"]["peer_name"]: Used for conditional descriptions based on connection type and peer name.
  • interface["description"]: Description of the interface.
  • interface["mtu"]: Maximum Transmission Unit for the interface.
  • interface["enabled"]: Specifies if the interface should be administratively up (true) or down (false).
  • interface["ip4"], interface["ip6"]: Primary IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for the interface.
  • interface["ip4_secondaries"], interface["ip6_secondaries"]: Lists of secondary IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
  • interface["lag_channel"]: Configures the interface as part of a Link Aggregation Group (LAG).
  • interface["bridge"]: Marks the interface for layer 2 transport.
  • interface["bgp_session"]: Specific BGP session configurations related to the interface, including ACL applications.
  • Description: Detailed interface configuration template for IOS XR, including naming, addressing, LAG participation, and optional BGP session settings.


  • Configuration of base aspects for IOS XR devices, focusing on control-plane, management-plane, and basic static routing.
  • Management access via SSH and SNMP with specified addresses.
  • Use of sot.site_private_octet to configure part of the management and static routing addresses dynamically.
  • Potentially configures optical interfaces if breakout is defined.
  • Description: Establishes foundational setup for an IOS XR device, including management plane configurations and basic routing, with support for conditional optical interface breakout configuration.


  • acls: A dictionary of ACL (Access Control List) configurations for IOS XR.
  • Each ACL is identified by a name and contains a list of rules.
  • slug: A unique identifier for the ACL, with a default value of DEFAULT.
  • afi: Address Family Identifier, indicating whether the ACL is for IPv4 (v4) or IPv6 (v6).
  • acl_increment: Used to assign unique sequence numbers to each rule within an ACL.
  • Description: Dynamically generates IPv4 and IPv6 access control lists for IOS XR devices based on specified rules and increments.


  • session_object_groups: A list of session object configurations for IOS XR.
  • Utilizes slug to differentiate between local and peer configurations.
  • Each object group configuration details IPv4 (ip4) and IPv6 (ip6) addresses, dynamically including object-group.j2 for detailed setup.
  • Description: Manages session object groups specific to IOS XR, integrating closely with object-group.j2 to define both local and peer-side object groups.


  • Focuses on Segment Routing over IPv6 (SRv6) configurations for IOS XR.
  • Defines SRv6 specific BGP neighbors and route policies.
  • Configures IS-IS routing protocol with SRv6 settings.
  • srv6["bgp_neighbors"]: List of BGP neighbors relevant for SRv6 configurations.
  • device.site_slug: Used in naming conventions for SRv6 locators.
  • Specifies the ISIS network entity title.
  • srv6_locator_v6: SRv6 locator IPv6 prefix.
  • local_site_prefix_v4: Local site prefix for IPv4 summarized routing.
  • Description: Provides a comprehensive setup for SRv6 within an IOS XR network, incorporating IS-IS routing adjustments, BGP session configurations, and SRv6 locator setups.

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